
    福建惠安县和成日用品有限公司是一家有着20多年发展历史的 老字号 科技型、创新型妇幼用品企业,主打产品有 皇氏 、 乐帮适 牌纸尿裤、拉拉裤, 相约 、 绿儿爽 牌女用卫生巾、护垫系列,其生产的产品 以质量过硬、外观新颖、实惠实用 著称,在众多产品中独占一熬,产品远销世界各地及国内各区域。    近年来,公司积极响应党和国家及地方政府 科技兴企,人才强企 号召,积极推进企业创新变革,多举措吸引人才、留住人才,推行互联网+理治+人性化管理全新现代企业治理模式, 2018年公司斥巨资建设新生产基地、购置多条全自动卫生用品生产线,在全体和成人的辛勤努力下,公司各项事业蒸蒸日上,我们需要一群志同道合、协力发展的男女精英,你还在犹豫什么呢?...    福利及其它:    1.包吃住,法定节假日均有休假。    2.工作时间:办公文职类8小时6天制,生产类另定。    乘车路线:乘坐惠安-门头班车、706路公交车新沙工业区公司下车(导航:和成日用品有限公司)    Fujian Huian county and the daily necessities Co., Ltd. is a "old word" technology, innovative maternity and child enterprise with more than 20 years of development history. The main products are "Huang", "Yue Gang" brand diapers, Lala pants, "contract", "green" brand women's sanitary napkin, cushion series, its production products " It is famous for its excellent quality, novelty appearance, practicality and practicality. It has been monopolized in many products, and its products are exported to all parts of the world and domestic regions.   In recent years, the company has actively responded to the call of the party and the state and local governments, "scientific and technological innovation, strong talents", actively promoting innovation and reform of enterprises, taking more measures to attract talents, retaining talents, and carrying out the new modern enterprise governance model with the Internet + governance + humanized management. In 2018, the company reprimanded a huge capital to build a new production base and purchase the whole With the hard work of all and adults, the company's career is flourishing. We need a group of men and women who have the same ambition to develop together. What are you still hesitating about? ... Welfare and other: 1. packs and a holiday are on holiday. 2. working hours: office, civil service, 8 hours and 6 days. Take the bus route: take the Huian doorway bus, the 706 bus and the company to get off.  



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